Monday, June 16, 2008

Chicken Bones and an Upset Tummy

I have learned a great big lesson reader peeps - sometimes my being sneaky and intelligent can backfire on the Pants.  Last Wednesday, Jessica and the Big Guy left some trash out, but set it up on top of the counter during the day.  However, they were silly enough to put it back on the ground once they both were home.  When they weren't paying attention, the Pants totally snuck in, and took the rest of a perfectly good, half-eaten chicken from HEB (there, everything's better!) and hid it on the other side of their bed.  Oh man...can you say good times???  I hid it really good, and since they were both sick all week, they just thought it was them that smelled.  How gross is that???  It could not have worked out better for the Pants!!!  Once they left for work the next day, who had a trash party?? THE PANTS!!!   I devoured that chicken and was having a great time, until my owners came home, and Jessica discovered my stash.

She started yelling about how there was a "carcass" on the ground. was not a "carcass", but just the remnants of a delicious chicken from HEB!  Well they cleaned up everything and yelled at me enough to make me go under the bed for an hour. I mean, they were just going to waste that HEB chicken!!  Wasteful wastersons!

The next day I woke up with a HUGE stomachache my readers!!!  I know it's bad to go to the bathroom in the house, but I totally couldn't help it!!!  So while my owners were at work, I had accidents all day tummy hurt so freaking bad!! That's when I realized that if you are a vegetarian like the Pants is, you can't eat an entire chicken....well at least not without pooping all over the house.  The house totally stunk and I felt a lot of shame.  On the plus side, Jessica cleaned up my poop which was pretty funny!!  I would have felt much worse if the Big Guy had to do it.

so the moral of the story, being sneaky and smart usually is pretty awesome, but sometimes it backfires!!  Also, I want to be in HEB commercials.  

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