Monday, December 15, 2008

Reader Observation: The Tim!

Dear The Pants,

I saw the movie on Stara's blog and all the laughing! I won't stand for it! You tell Joseph he better watch his back!!! I've got two words for Joseph.....DUST BUSTER!!!!!

Your friend,Tim.

Tim friend!!! Thank you for this kind and insightful observation! I still laugh whenever I think about you scaring the Big Guy with the dustbuster - oh man! I thought he was going to pee his pants when you attacked him!! LOL!! Now THOSE were some serious highjinks you broke out that day!! The Pants will never forgive your brave defense!!

The Big Guy has never chased me with a dustbuster since then, but the new developments with the dastardly (and terrifying) tape devil are most definitely NOT COOL! So please, when we are in Houston for the Texas Bowl (Go Rice! Hoot, hoot!), will you please scare the Big Guy with a tape devil?? (just warn me before you are going to so that I can hide under a nearby bed) Also, if you don't mind, would you let Jessica live with you and Kelli so the Big Guy and the Pants can live in peace in Austin? Oh rapture!

I have partially forgiven the Big Guy for this insult because he and Jessica took me to the dog park on Town Lake yesterday! However that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve some comeuppance from the Tim Ed! Do your worst! (see you in two weeks! LYLAS!)

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