Okay, so back to the point of this post. Last month, MM invited some of my favorite people over for dinner! The Big Guy and Jess!! Jack and Amy and one of my favorite little human people Samuel!! (The Pants LOVES dirt. And one time Samuel spent like an hour one time at my house just putting dirt on me. It was totally awesometastical!! Samuel is the cream in my coffee. LOL!) Sunny and Rob! I still talk about boating day on their boat with my peeps all the time! So it was basically the party to end all parties!
At first I thought that I was going to be abandoned at home because MM has two big dogs Sugar and Spice. Now, Sugar and I are totally homegirls after our 3 mile Bataan death march...I mean...the Mighty Texas Dog Walk. (Hey Dog Walk people, how about a walk when it's not 100 degrees! Poopheads.) If you forgot, here is Jess, MM, me and Sugar before the hottest day of Pants' life:
So Sugar rocks the house! But MM also has another dog named Spice. I totally want to meet Spice, but Spice is a little wilder and MM thought Spice might try to eat me. That's why I didn't think I would be able to come....but MM showed once again why she is the coolest of the cool!! She is Fonzie-cool!! She told the Pants I could come and she just put Sugar and Spice in their own guest room so the Pants could roam free without fear of being devoured. So let me tell you about what I like to call THE PARTY OF THE YEAR!!! First, MM had totally put out water for me to make the Pants feel at home! Well, it might have been Sugar and Spice's water bowl, but MM let me drink out of it:
Then MM did what she does best...she rubbed my belly and gave me the cuddles!!
Then I got a treat while the human people had some wine! It wasn't a greenie, but it was exotic and delicious! Two paws way up!!
After that it was time to party with my home slice Sunny! She always cracks the Pants up!
We both have gorgeous red hair, so I totally did my little Irish dance for her. I should totally be on "America's Got Talent". I wouldn't Hassle the Hoff, and he would make the Pants a star! Maybe we could both eat hamburgers off the floor together!!

Back to the PARTY OF THE YEAR!!! Guess who turned out to be the best belly rubber of them all?? Samuel!!! His tiny hands are seriously magical!!!
Plus, this time Samuel didn't throw anything at me. Thanks for that Sammy! Then it was time for dinner that MM cooked herself. I got jealous because everyone was raving about how awesome a cook MM was. (She makes more than tostadas Jessica. Take notes!!) Seeing I felt left out, Jessica told the Big Guy to bring me up to the table and give me some wine. I do enjoy a nice, smooth cabarnet in the summer. It really takes the edge off.
We had dessert (everyone at the table totally snuck me some...thanks guys!), told some stories, shared some laughs and just had a grand motherfreaking time.
Then MM put me up in attic which was really cool! I totally gave the camera a sweet-ass profile.
Then I overheard why I was up in the attic - there were RATS up there! I've been on the streets reader peeps, and rats are freaking terrifying. So I'm not going to lie to you, I got a little scared and told MM to get me the heck out of there.
Whew. So safe and sound back on the ground, I chilled underneath a bench while Sunny, MM, Jess and the Big Guy hung out and drank wine. Then after a last round of belly rubs, we headed home. MM, thanks for letting me party with all the human people! The Fab Four is the best!!!
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