In this first one he looks super cute (though not as cute as me, let's not get carried away!!) but though it appears he is just hanging with his foster brother, he is actually stalking him!!

Things are going okay in the picture above right? Well, that is before Emmett goes to attack his poor foster brother, who is quite unprepared for this hostility and is forced to roll over into the protective position!!

Then the beast goes for foster brother's neck!! He might be a vampire!! Or worse, he could be a die hard Palin supporter!!! (LOL! I LOVE political humor!!)

Is Emmett the bloodthirsty little one is not finished? I think not Reader Peeps!!! He moves in for the kill!!! Heads up foster bro!! Tighten up that protective position!

MM, you are adopting a puppy that has obviously been dug up from the Pet Sematary that the Stephen King wrote about!! Do you want your poor Sugar to have her jugular ripped out?? Look how cool my girl Sugar is! She has never tried to eat the Pants...not even once!

Okay, I kid a little bit. Emmett is probably not a vampire (though he better not be a Palin supporter! LOL! There I go again...awwww...snap!), but we have to get him a better name than Emmett. This is because the Big Guy once made us watch this horrible and super crappy Christmas special called "Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas". He watched it when he was little and remembered liking it...apparently the Big Guy's taste was not so good when he was a little human person. I love muppets and the Jim Henson (Fraggle Rock rocks hard core! For serious!!), but look at these things!

They look like poops with faces on them!! And poops that I wouldn't even want to sniff!!! And coming from the Pants, that is saying something. I LOVE to sniff a nice poop. Or nearly ANY poop for that matter. Mmmmmmm poop. However, that the poops look like retarded rats isn't the worst part (yeah I said "retarded"! I'm so un-PC!!! ROFL!!!), the worst part is that the show is sooooooo lame and stupid and the mom and the son have way too close of a relationship for the Pants' taste. Hello Motherboy!!
So MM, I have some names for your bloodsucking puppy:
1. Ike - He survived the Ike storm and I think calling him this would be cool! It would show how totally bad ass he is. He would be all like "a storm couldn't stop me homies!!" Besides, just calling him the name of the storm beats calling him what happens during a storm. You know, like calling him "Flooding" or "Storm Surge" or "Massive Toxic Sewage Leaks". I like Ike! (that could totally be a slogan or something! LOL!)
2. Shiner - He sort of looks like a Shiner beer. I know what they look like because sometimes the Big Guy, Jessica and me go to Billy's on Burnet and party hearty!! On those nights it's as many shiners as you can drink! Plus it would be fun to yell at him! "Hey Shiner! Come here Shiner! Stop eating that woman's jugular Shiner!!"
3. Guiness - He TOTALLY looks like a Guiness, or as I like to call it, the only beer I'll drink. (I'm a super Irish drinking snob!! LOL!! Ireland or bust Reader Peeps!! Oh, sorry Big Guy. Scotland is okay too.)
I think all 3 of these names would be super cool! I can't wait to text Shiner to meet up for flirtinis!! Also, I think he's going to be fine around Sugar and Spice as long as he (a) shows he's not scared and that he won't be pushed around and (b) he ignores his violent vampirish rage and refrains from murdering them and devouring their bodies.
I'm fired up to party with the Fab Four and the Emmett on Election Day! It's going to be awesome!! And if I can trick Jessica into missing it, it will be the biggest party of the year!! LOL!!! The Fab Four, wine, E-dog and's going to be off the hizzy!! Peace out yo! (the Pants is trying to expand her readership and the polling data shows that I need to be more "hardcore", so I've got to start using my street lingo...bizzzzatches!) When it comes to the Pants, don't hate, just appreciate! LOL!
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