Dear Pants -
I believe your homegirl JC and I are on the same wavelength regarding google readers, RSS feeds or whatever means there are out there to be notified of a new posting on a blog. We just don't need it. We love the pure excitement of checking out a blog and seeing if a new post is there without being told ahead of time. The excitement is instantaneous and thrilling.
Question #1: What is your preference?
Question #2: How do you politely tell someone you are stalking their blog? Or should you just let the author figure it out via Sitemeter or whatever tracking means they have and never say anything? See, we were randomly told (and then finally emailed) that JC had a blog, so we checked it out. Well, she had links! And...well...the Pants was one of them. Now we can't get enough. My husband even has it set up on his google reader and he only knows The Big Guy through some sort of seven degrees of separation related to Rice. We've never even met The Pants! How creepy is that!?!
Well, you don't have to respond. We just wanted you to know that we are addicted to The Pants and his blog. I don't think we are the only ones. There may have been previous conversations with other blog stalkers and JC where we admitted we use her blog to get to The Pants' blog. Oops!
Well Jenn With Two Ns, OF COURSE I will answer your question! It is much more thought-provoking and intelligent than "Is the word bird?" (no offense Tim Ed!! You are still my knight in shining shinguards!)) Thanks for writing to the Pants!! it is good to know that tales of my wisdom are spreading far and wide to H-town land!! I love visiting Houston!!

Sometimes the Big Guy doesn't get it!! Big Guy, Houston is awesome!! That's where Tim, Kelli, Frito Guy and Jenn With Two Ns lives!! Don't be a hater Big Guy!
As to your first question, the Pants is DEFINITELY on the same page as you and the Cafferty. I may have a blog, but I don't even know what a RSS feed is!! It sounds like something that the Man, a.k.a. Homeland Security, monitors to make sure I'm not a terrorist. (Hey the Man, I'm too cute to be a terrorist!! Stop monitoring the Pants' RSS feed!!) I DO know that one can have blog updates sent to you, but the Pants also likes the surprise and sheer thrill of finding a new post! It is like an unplanned Christmas when this happens! Even better, it's like a Christmas where Jessica and the Big Guy DON'T dress me up and strip away my dignity.

So in answer to your first question Jenn With Two Ns, you are right smack dab on the money. The Pants gives you four paws! Way up!!
Your second question might be unnerving to a blogger less worldly and confident as the Pants. I welcome stalkers!! They are top drawer in my book!! You see, I AM a stalker...of squirrels. When I see one of these furry little bastards I immediately began to stalk and try and try to catch him like this:

I have not caught one yet, but it shall happen! Mark the Pants' words!! You can NOT stop the Pants, you can only hope to contain her!! The reason for this is that while dogs are the keeper of all good karma in the world, squirrels are evil and trying to take over the world! It is true. That's why they are always burying nuts - in case of Armageddon. Do not trust squirrels!! For serious!!! When the Big Guy and Tim told me how they thought Rice squirrels were always plotting things I was blown away! Such insight and brilliance!! Usually only dogs know about the latent evil in the squirrel world.
But back to your question (the Pants gets sidetracked sometimes - sorry about that!) I think you should just tell the blogger that you think they are the best!! (Mainly because I don't know what Sitefeed is, although it sounds like another way for the Man to track me down!) (Look at all my parentheticals!! LOL!! I'm a ParenPants!!) Unless the blog is your ex-human boy and/or girl-friend, then you might want to be a quiet stalker. Of course, that's also a little creepy and in that case you should probably re-evaluate your life and have a meeting with yourself, like this: "Hello me! I'm creepy!!" LOL!
I hope these answers have helped!! Although it should be noted that the Pants is a "she" not a "he", though I TOTALLY forgive you because you and your husband sound scrumtrulescently awesome! Besides, this is far from the first time the Pants has been faced with this indignity!! My Uncle Brian ALWAYS calls me a "he". Well Mr. L.A. fancy pants, how about I start calling you "Aunt Brian"?? ROFL! Just kidding Bri - LYLAS...literally!
I hope these answers have helped Jenn With Two Ns. I hope one day I can get a H-town belly rub! Peace!
Thanks Clancy. We will continue to stalk..i your blog. We love it! Sorry about the "his blog" comment. I may have confused you in my head with The Big Guy. I know you are the real brains and wit in that duo.
And yes I know my username only has one N. Too late to change it now.
No worries Jenn with Two N's! You totally rock!!
The Pants is DEFINITELY the brains and wit when compared to the Big Guy...though he is pretty cool.
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