I could already taste the caramel yumminess!!
But NO!! The Big Guy got married to Jess instead. Okay, at least now the Pants is no longer a bastard child, so that's good. But was the Pants invited??? Nope. Not even as flower dog. Laura picked me up and I went and got licked on by Mozart for 2 days. Then I came back and Grandpa Jim, Grandma Linda, Brian and his new squeeze Sara were at my house! It was awesome! What a party on Sunday!! Also all of Jessica's relatives from FL were there and they were hilarious! So things had turned around....until the Big Guy and Jessica woke up in the middle of the night on Monday and just left! "Bye Pants, see you next week." Next week??? I mean, WTF??? This was the face I gave them:

So you can't get up early to play with the Pants, but you can get up early to abandon the Pants?? Hmmph. I no longer want to run away with the Big Guy - this hurt just cut too deep. Much too deep.
Who am I kidding, I still want to run away with him...look at him in this picture He's hilarious!

Monday morning I was pretty worried when everyone else started leaving too! Thank goodness Grandpa Jim did not forget to let me come with him to Plano. This is Grandpa Jim - he is freaking awesome! He took me for super long walks and let me bark at whoever I want!
So for 8 days I hung out in Plano, or P-Town as the Pants calls it, while Jess and the Big Guy had all kinds of fun in Zihuatanejo, Mexico. Let's enjoy their great times that in no way included the Pants, shall we? Oh, look at the beautiful sunset that I didn't get to see because I was in PLANO!!
Oh look, how fun! Look at the huge, awesome turtle that I would have loved to chase but didn't get a chance to since I was 1000 miles away and, oh yes, ABANDONED!!!!
Look at the beds on the beach they got to lay on. You know who else likes to lay on beds? THE PANTS!!! I'm sorry, I know I'm upset, and I know that they don't allow dogs at places like this, but I'm still incensed. The Pants would have loved to lay on a bed on the beach and crush on all the cute local surfer boys!
Hold on a second...WHAT THE HELL???
The Pants has been lied to!!! The INJUSTICE!!!! The TREACHERY!!!! Readers is that or is that not a dog on the beach??!!! I believe that the Big Guy's own camera says yes! At least it wasn't like the Big Guy was playing with him:
WHAT???? Dear Lord.
Reader Peeps. There are no words to describe the feelings of my heart right now. The Big Guy and Jessica (but mainly the Big Guy) LIED to me and told me dogs couldn't come to Mexico. Well, well, well. You both are fibbers and frauds!!! "We wish you could come with us Pants, but we can't take dogs." OH REALLY???!!! Choice words will DEFINITELY be doled out later. The only silver lining is that the last two days they totally got Montezuma's revenge and couldn't stop pooping water! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Look at their stupid sick faces!
I'm going to go lay under the bed and think of revenge. If you have any ways to make them sick again, please let me know peeps. When I recover, I'm going to post pictures of the most fun night ever! Dinner at MM's house!
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