Clancy, how come your name's not Clancy Cathey now?
This is a good question MM! You would totally think the Big Guy would adopt me and want me to take his last name!! If I did, maybe people would stop confusing me for a boy!! (Get it, because he has a girly last name!!!) I'm kidding Big Guy! I would be totally proud to have your last name. (Not really - it is hilarious that Jessica has it now!!!)
Ok, I'm done ROTFL!! Basically MM, when I was on the streets, I didn't have a name of my own. Different people called me different things, and it was confusing. When Jessica found me at the shelter, I was called Ginger. I was not a fan of this. It reminded Pants of a stripper name. The Pants would NEVER be a stripper! I am a lady!! I totally cover up my lady lumps, not show them off!! And yes, I know I don't wear clothes!! I also don't jump on a stage and "shake it" or do "lap dances." I don't even like laps, I always try to jump out of them when placed there against my will!
So, when Jessica adopted me, Grandma said that I was like a little dancy clancy! Because although I don't shake it, I have some totally sweet dance moves! Check me out!

Anyway, enough showing off! So, Jessica decided to call me Clancy. It fits, and I love it!!! Then, she added Dolan as my middle name, it was the name of my great-grandmother! It rules!! And finally, Maloney, which is a bad ass last name!! Even more so now that it is no longer shared with Jessica!! But it is shared with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Brian, as well as Uncle Dick who I met at the wedding, and cousin Pat and his brood!! All in all, it's solid!! And tough!! Because I am a tough chick, not some prima donna girly-girly named Clancy Cathey! Please!! So, it's Clancy Dolan Maloney!! Deal with it!
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