Good Work on your Super Bowl prediction. I almost predicted the score too. My prediction was Steelers-27 Cardinals-24. The only thing I won was a stupid calendar from a vendor and "the awe and admiration" of my coworkers. Maybe I'll buy a lottery ticket!
Your Friend,
Tim Friend!!! Congratulations on nearly picking the exact score - the Pants thinks that you are a prognosticating genius! Is there no limit to your talents and wily ways???
WTF is "awe and admiration?" What a stupid present! A calendar (unless it's a calendar of pictures of the Pants! LOL!) sucks too. Don't your coworkers know that money makes the world go round? I think you march into work on Friday and demand cold hard cash. If you can, get it paid in Euros and not Dollars (I don't know if you watch the news, but the Big Guy says that the U.S. economy "is a piece of crap." Oh Big Guy! You slay me!).
Also, I am NOT HAPPY about not being invited to the Super Bowl party. At first I was, but then I was watching the game at home and learned that they were going to show 3 commercials in 3-D!! Holy dog shows!!! The Pants LOVES 3-D!! Except I didn't have any of the 3-D glasses at home!! But once the Big Guy and Jessica got home, I found out that EVERYONE at the party got them. So instead of seeing amazing 3-D commercials, I instead saw blurry, poopy commercials that were like 1.5-D. Great.
Gewinner, NOBODY is allergic to the Pants! I have special fur that nobody sneezes's not like I'm a retarded cat or something. I quickly called up my friend Stephen Colbert and had him update his on-notice board. Suck on this!

So Tim friend, take solace (even a "quantum" of solace if you want to...LOL!) in the fact that you at least got to see cool stuff in 3-D. Sometimes being a dog is not all it's cracked up to be.
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