Anyways, I have been caught up in helping set up the tree (SOMEBODY has to look out the window and make sure nobody is sneaking up while Jessica and the Big Guy are occupied!) and avoiding the weird Rudolph dolls like this one below that Joseph has all over the living room. They are animated and TERRIFYING!!!

Pants! Check out my plaid sweater of death!
So I was totally unexpected for a visit from one of my favorite human persons! Stara!!! This is a pic of Stara with the Big Guy:
Watch that right hand Big both are married!
Stara went to law school with both Jessica and the Big Guy at UT! (motto: "less sucky than Baylor Law") Also, Stara went to Paris with the Big Guy and Cafferty when they were studying in London.

Oh sweet Cafferty, when will we have OUR romantic trip to Paris?
So Stara is pretty awesome. We hung out Saturday night and she totally rubbed my belly seriously hardcore!
Pet me you famous blogger person you!! Yes, I can feel the fame!!
However, an unfortunate series of events occurred that the Big Guy is still going to pay for. Let me set the stage for you: there are Stara and I, just chillin', drinking margaritas and catching up on the latest Dallas gossip when out of nowhere the Big Guy attacks me! But not with a knife, or a gun, or even a tape of "The Hills." No reader peeps, even worse, he attacked me with a TAPE MEASURER!!! NOTHING is scarier to the Pants than a tape devil! Not the Boogeyman, not highway traffic, not fireworks...not even a Sarah Palin presidency!! I mean...look at the terror!!

Saw VI: Jigsaw measures the drapes.
So after not seeing Stara for months, I had to stop our blogging convo mid-sentence to sprint to the only place in the house that provides refuge from attacks of this kind - under the bed. To make matters worse I had to dash to safety in front of Stara right when I was trying to get sweet ass blogging tips!! Not cool Big Guy!!! Humiliation for the Pants!! There will be vengeance, and it will be swift.
Sadly, Stara left after only one day, and the Pants was far too shaken up after multiple attacks with the tape devil to spend enough quality time with her. However, on the plus side, I did get Sassy Kay's digits and we have totally been texting all night long! (Facebook friend me Sassy Kay! LYLAS!!!) So despite the near heart-attack-inducing horror of Saturday night, it was a good weekend. Tell OAF friend that despite all the dirty jokes he taught me last time he was here, I totally miss him Stara! Lata!!
Oh Clancy, I miss you so! Your big post is going up tonight!
Man...I have really been missing the Pants. I'm so glad you are back Pants. I'm sad there is no Elf Party this year so I can say hi to the Big Guy and Jessica. Next year. Happy Holidays
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