LOL you two!! Comedy GOLD!
So, they all went out for the evening to celebrate Tim Friend's birthday, so I got cozy on my favorite chair and took a little nap!
MMM! Leather! Frito Guy is first class all the way!
I woke up from nap and to my dismay, I really had to pee. Uh oh! This was an emergency! It was getting late and no one had come home to take me out. So, I did what any dog would do, I tried to make it to the toilet. And I almost did!! Unfortunately, I had to pee on Frito Guy's bedroom floor before I could make it!
I totally peed right there!! Oops! Sorry Frito Guy!
So, as I was already going to be in trouble, I decided to capitalize on the situation and have a kick ass Houston-style Trash Party in Frito Guy's house! It was awesome!! Frito Guy has the best trash!! I ate some yummy chips, salsa, pancakes, pizza, and paper!! I distributed napkins throughout the house!! It was awesome, and sooo liberating! I almost forgot that I had peed upstairs. But then, I heard the peeps come home. Jessica was the first to notice some trash on the steps. (Of course - she's always looking to destroy a good time!) So, I ran under the table in anticipation of my scolding.
Please don't spank me Frito Guy!
But it turns out, I was worried for nothing!! Frito Guy wasn't mad about the Trash Party or the pee!! He totally laughed as he cleaned up the Trash!
Oh Pants!! You slay me with your crazy antics!
Frito Guy is so awesome, he even let me sleep in his bed!! It is so roomy, the Pants loves it!! It's also really high off the ground, so I can get my buns of steel workout in!! Yay!! I have to stay fit for the cute boys I might meet!! Then, the next morning, Frito Guy took me to the park! I forgot to bring my camera, so the following are just re-enactments!
Hey Frito Guy! I'm having so much fun at the park!! What about you?
Hey, is that Beyonce?? She's from Houston!

After the park, Frito Guy and I went and picked up some Kolaches. We totally shared them in his living room!
Ok Frito Guy, don't bogart the kolaches!
Oh, look who finally woke up, AFTER all the fun had occurred. That's right - JESSICA!
Leave me alone!
Seriously, it was a great time! Frito Guy rocks!! I would love it if Frito Guy would run away with the Big Guy and I! I mean, he's hilarious!! And so cute!! And we could drink Flirtinis!! Who could resist this face?
After we left Frito Guy's, we went to visit the Big Guy's parents, Grandma and Grandpa Houston!! First, we stopped by Grandpa John's pharmacy! It was awesome, I got to go inside and help customers with their ailments. And Grandpa John told me how awesome I am!! (I know! But I appreciate the good vibes Grandpa!) Then we went to see Grandma Marilyn, and she totally gave me like a million Greenies!! And I got to run around the yard! It was awesome. To top it all off, Jessica slept in the backseat of the car the whole way home while the Big Guy and I listened to music, gossiped, and played the license plate game!
I totally see California! Your turn Big Guy!
Ahh, good times. Once again Houston, you have outdone yourself in making the Pants feel welcome and in providing a good time!! Too bad for you that next time we come I'm going to try to talk the Big Guy into leaving Jessica there! Better you than me Houston, better you than me!
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