So, here is a little recap of my first boating experience. At first, I was unsure of where we were going. The Big Guy and his big fat fiancee packed up a bag, put me in the car, and proceeded to walk me down this "dock". It was more like a plank. Seriously, it was moving, and the Pants could see the water below! Crazy!!! I was really scared!! I was like "Hey Big Guy! The Pants is sorry for all of the Trash Parties!! Seriously!! Pants does not want to go out like this!" But then, the magic vessel appeared and we all went aboard. (I am like totally about the boating terminology!)
At first, I was a little scared. It was a weird sensation, the boat moving, the Pants not knowing what to do!!! I braced myself, then decided to hide out under the steering wheel for a while. But then, I heard the opening of a bag of chips and I had to come out and investigate. Well, I slowly made my way towards the stern of the boat (told you!), and it looked like everyone was relaxed and having fun!!!
My new main man Rick brought chips and tacos and he totally gave me some!!! And, my main girl MM had joined the party! With a little coaxing from Sunny (who is totally the Pants's hero - we have the same hair color! LOL!), the Pants ventured out!!

And man, am I glad I did!!! This boating stuff is so awesome I didn't even mind wearing my doggles! They were totally necessary!! Another guy, Anthony, thought that it would be difficult to meet lake babes with a silly little dog wearing doggles, but he is so stupid!!! The Pants met way more Lake Babes than Anthony!! Doggles rule!

Anyway, nothing beats the wind in your hair on a boat, it is like seriously awesome!!! I had a smile on my face the entire time!

I even smiled when Jessica was holding me!!!

And I kept smiling when MM was giving me the cuddles!!! But seriously Jessica, get out of the picture, no one likes you or wants to see your fat face!!!

I drank a few beers!!! Smoked a few cigarettes!!! Barked at a few dogs!! Went for a swim!!! And hung out with the Big Guy!!!

The Big Guy totally put my doggles on upside down!!! Oh drunk Big Guy!!!

We laughed and laughed!

And I wanted to post a picture of this guy too. He looks like an ass, but he was pretty hilarious!

I sure hope Sunny liked me enough to invite me back!! I totally won't be scared next time!!! Sunny? Can you adopt me? We already look alike??

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