Friday, June 6, 2008

The West Wing

It is raining outside, so I am very terrified as I type this. I have brought my laptop under the bed in order to be fully protected from the rain and thuder. I hate thuder most of all! And yes, I have a laptop, the big guy and I both have laptops, do you know who doesn't have a laptop - Jessica!!! LOL!!!! It is so fun when the big guy and I are on our laptops and she has nothing to do but laundry!!!! LOL!!!!! She is so stupid she probably couldn't even work a laptop!! I can't believe she went to college, I mean she didn't go to UTEP, but she did get a degree - give me a break!!

Anyway, sorry for the tangent (the Pants has an outstanding vocabulary)! I have recently begun watching the first season of this show The West Wing on DVD. Well, Jessica and the Big Guy are watching it, so I get to enjoy it as well, I sit with the Big Guy and pretend Jessica doesn't exist! Very fun!!

This show is fascinating to the Pants. Everyone is so busy and running around and never getting any sleep. I don't understand how they do it! The Pants must sleep at least 18 hours a day or I am useless! Martin Sheen is the President of the United States (he has millions of peaches, peaches for me! LOL!) and he is a very good President and has to make very difficult decisions. Last night he got in a fight with the First Lady, (I initially typed "First Lay," which would work as well) and his daughter is getting death threats for dating a black man and Josh had to debate a potential nominee about reparations for slavery and Sam had to debate this woman who the Pants finds very annoying about school vouchers and Toby had to debate this other woman that the Pants HATES about Pandas!!!!! It is so difficult to follow, yet it enthralls the Pants! Especially the jaunty Hogwarts-esque music at the end of an episode, I love to dance to that music and pretend I have a wand like Harry Potter!!!!

So, the Pants gives the West Wing three and a half Paws, very good indeed. Although I must say that I think I would make a much better President than Martin Sheen. I could stop all arguments, wars, fights with the First Lay, etc. by rolling over, giving my best "Cafferty" look and having people RUB MY BELLY! It works every time. Seriously, the world would be a much better place if dogs ran the country and everyone went to UTEP!

I got a bath this week (Because I am the one who smells - whatevs), and I will post about my experience and the bath products I like later!!!!

The Thuder is getting worse, so I have to go! Pants Out!!!

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