Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Why I'm Awesome
Because I have such a rock star mafia (it's a party in the USA for my mafia! Love ya Miley!), I thought of some other reasons that I'm pretty cool. Here are a few:
1. I am very, very cute.
2. My paws smell really good. Seriously. They do.
3. Except when I've been sick, I've never had an "accident" in the house.
4. I can curl up in really small spaces and then when people accidentally sit on me, I totally scare them! LOL!
5. I am friends with the one and only FRITO GUY!!! He smells like ham.
6. I am so adorable that Cafferty hugged me once. Rapture.
7. I've gone to Dallas and back like 10 times and never gotten sick or had anything bad happen to me. Trips to Houston on the other hand....
8. I'm still cute
9. I'm very active politically, socially and bellyrubally.
10. I fit perfectly between the Big Guy and Jessica in bed.
11. I was the first dog to show Al Gore where ManBearPig was located.
12. I am cute to the 14th power!
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Santa Claus left me not one, but TWO boners!!!
[editor's note: "boners" should have been "bones"]
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Shoes!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Pants Does the Skaggs!! (Not literally...though I DO have my eye on you Jack)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I'm BACK!!!
Dear Pants,
Emmett and Sugar here. Our stupid mom managed to bust her laptop at home so we have not been able to follow your blog for weeks! Imagine our surprise when we finally got back online and discovered there were NO POSTS from the Pants! We are concerned, nay, alarmed! Here it is just weeks until October and we have not even begun to coordinate outfits and mischievous pranks to play on our servants (I mean, owners). Is everything okay, Pants? We misseth thee.
Paws and kisses,
Emmett and Sugar
P.S. Our mom is so dumb she forgot she had an entire filet mignon in the refrigerator until it was too late to cook it for humans so we got to eat it for dinner last night. Also, she forgot to clothes the door where she hides her dirty clothes last week and we ate a pair of her underpants and pooped them out in the yard. Take that, Ms. Close Your Closet Door.
Emmett and Sugar - DUDES!! I am sooo sorry for my lack of posting. I have been recovering for the past month - yes, that is MONTH, from my UTI. On the plus side, that means a month of butter treats. Butter treats are what I call my pills. Seriously, if you dip your pills in butter, they are DELICIOUS! I cannot recommend this enough!! Anyway, I also have been a bit depressed because of the weather. Seriously, I was all for some rain, I know we needed it, but COME ON!! The Pants needs to be free, to run, to frolic, not to be walked around a few times a day and not allowed to moon walk in the grass because it is wet. The damp weather has had me in a bit of a funk, but I am back peeps!! Willing to shake it off and begin blogging anew!
Recently, due to the weather, I have been relegated to playing mind games with Jessica to keep myself entertained. Basically, I stare at her non-stop all day, Sim-style!! That's right!! I act like a SIM! She HATES IT!! This is my Sim face!!
I have also been cuddling with Jessica more than usual. She totally thinks I am still sick and wants to take me to the vet!! She's so distraught!! It's HILARIOUS!! The truth is that the fatter she gets, the more comfy her lap gets, so I get to nap and mock her fattitude!!! It's awesome!! Between the fat lap nap technique and the Sim stare, I think I am slowly breaking her!!
Oh no!! Here she comes!! I will be back tomorrow peeps with a summary of what I've been up to!! There have been hijinks, shenanigans, and tom foolerys galore!! Brace yourselves!! The Pants Is BACK!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
U.T.I did not enjoy this trip to Houston!

Friday, July 31, 2009
Don't Talk About Book Club
Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I hate to say I told you so. . . (just kidding, I love it!)
Dear Clancy,
In reading your blog, I have noticed that we have so many things in common. One: Neither of us wanted a new canine sibling. Two: We both love trash parties. And Three (and most important for purposes of this communication), we both chase rodents. I write to share with you--a fellow rodent-hunter--the details of my most recent victory. First, some background. As you know, the House of Gitmo has been plagued with rodents in the past. My mom paid some idiot a bunch of money to come out and exterminate them. He was worthless. Not only did he exclude me the hunt, he didn't even allow me the pleasure of lolling around on top of their dead bodies to fully impregnate my fur with their rodentlicious smell. But I digress. The rodents returned. In a gracious effort to teach my new little brother how to REALLY hunt rodents, I demonstrated by capturing this little guy in our backyard:
I pounced upon him and, once stunned, I proceeded to demonstrate to Emmett (the despised younger brother) how one should toy with one's prey for as long as possible in order to savor the victory. FOILED! My mom saw me and came to take the rodent away. Probably because stupid Emmett was spinning around in circles and barking like an idiot.
Anyway, I knew I should've taken the rodent somewhere safe that she never goes (like the gym?) . . . But I was too proud. So that is my lesson to you, Clancy. I suspect the day when you catch a squirrel is not far off. And when that blessed day comes, do not make the mistakes I have made. Be sly, not proud. Share your victory with NO ONE until the last breath leaves the evil rodent's body. Until next time, Clancy. Until next time.
Sugar Montano
c/o Marilyn Montano
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I am so lame!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Little Sister Don't You . . . DARE TRY TO STEAL MY BIG GUY!
Remember how we checked out all the sites!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mr. Fancy Pants!! (or Ms. Clancy Pants)
Of very fancy pants that Mrs. Clancy Pants will wear
When everybody’s marching in the fancy pants parade
She’s gonna pass the test
She’s gonna be the best
The best in terms of pants
You look in every catalog you shop at every store
Cause even though you have a hundred pants you want some more
When suddenly you see the greatest pants you’ve ever seen
And even though you know
It’s gonna cost a lot of dough
You have to have the world’s best pants
Say a little prayer for Mrs. Clancy Pants
The whole world knows
They’re only clothes
And deep inside
She’s sad
They make the big announcement and the trophy goes to you
You thought you had some fancy pants and now you know it’s true
You look at Mrs. Clancy Pants and hold the trophy high
Everybody cheers
While she’s blinking back the tears
She doesn’t even have the best pants
Say a little prayer for Mrs. Clancy Pants
It’s all she had
But don’t feel bad
She’d do the same
To you
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Crazy Times for the Pants

However, Groomingdales is now in the Pant's doghouse and is totally on notice!!! See below:

However, I am happy to talk about ANOTHER snub of the Pants, this time at the hands of my homegirl MM! Last night there was a wine tasting at MM's house!!! Oh how excited I was!! I spent the day getting ready - grooming myself, getting my exercise in so I would look all toned for Emmett (who can be my gentleman caller anytime! ;-)) and composing some humorous yet flattering poetry that I planned to read to honor MM in front of all her peeps!
And now I was not invited???!!! First the Big Guy, and now et tu MM??? I fear that I'm already getting closer to Jessica, and I am NOT okay with that. It would be like Hurley getting screwed over by Jack and Sawyer, and having to get closer to Ben. UN-ACC-EPTABLE.